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Download Surah Al-Kahf 1-10 dan 100-110 in MP3 Format: High Quality Audio and Translations

Surah Al Kahfi 1-10 dan 100-110 MP3 Download: Meaning and Benefits

Surah Al Kahfi is one of the most beautiful and powerful surahs in the Quran. It contains four amazing stories that teach us valuable lessons about faith, gratitude, wisdom, and justice. It also has many benefits and rewards for those who recite it regularly, especially on Fridays. In this article, we will explore the meaning and benefits of Surah Al Kahfi, and how you can download it as an MP3 file to listen to it anytime.

surah al kahfi 1-10 dan 100-110 mp3 download

What is Surah Al Kahfi?

Surah Al Kahfi is the 18th chapter of the Quran. It was revealed in Mecca, except for three verses that were revealed in Medina. It has 110 verses in total. The name of the surah means "The Cave", which refers to the first story in the surah about a group of young men who fled from persecution and took refuge in a cave. Allah (SWT) protected them by making them sleep for hundreds of years, until they woke up to a different world.

The second story in Surah Al Kahfi is about a man who had two gardens that were lush and fruitful. He became arrogant and ungrateful to Allah (SWT), and denied the Day of Judgment. He was then punished by losing his gardens and becoming poor.

The third story in Surah Al Kahfi is about Prophet Musa (AS) and his journey with Khidr, a mysterious servant of Allah (SWT) who had knowledge that Musa (AS) did not have. Musa (AS) followed Khidr and witnessed him doing three seemingly unjust actions: damaging a boat, killing a young boy, and repairing a wall. Khidr later explained to Musa (AS) the hidden wisdom behind his actions.

The fourth story in Surah Al Kahfi is about Dhul Qarnayn, a righteous king who traveled to different lands and met different people. He used his power and resources to spread justice and goodness. He also built a barrier to protect people from Gog and Magog, two evil tribes that will cause corruption and chaos before the Day of Judgment.

The main theme of Surah Al Kahfi is the trials that believers face in this world. These trials are related to faith, wealth, knowledge, and power. Surah Al Kahfi teaches us how to deal with these trials with patience, gratitude, humility, and trust in Allah (SWT).

Why should you recite Surah Al Kahfi?

Surah Al Kahfi has many benefits and virtues for those who recite it regularly. Here are some of the benefits and virtues of reciting Surah Al Kahfi:

  • It is a source of guidance and light. Allah (SWT) says in verse 1: "All praise is due to Allah, who has sent down upon His Servant the Book and has not made therein any deviance."

  • It is a protection from the fitnah (trial) of the Dajjal (Antichrist), who will appear before the Day of Judgment and deceive many people. The Prophet (SAW) said: "Whoever recites Surah Al Kahfi on Friday, it will be a light for him from one Friday to the next." He also said: "Whoever memorizes ten verses from the beginning of Surah Al Kahfi will be protected from the Dajjal."

  • It is a means of forgiveness and reward. The Prophet (SAW) said: "Whoever recites Surah Al Kahfi on Friday, his sins will be forgiven between the two Fridays." He also said: "Whoever recites Surah Al Kahfi as it was revealed, he will have a reward like that of a person who has memorized the whole Quran."

Moreover, there are specific benefits and rewards for reciting the first 10 verses and the last 10 verses of Surah Al Kahfi. The Prophet (SAW) said: "Whoever recites the first 10 verses of Surah Al Kahfi, he will be protected from the fitnah of wealth." He also said: "Whoever recites the last 10 verses of Surah Al Kahfi, he will be protected from the fitnah of power."

Therefore, reciting Surah Al Kahfi is a great way to increase our faith, gratitude, wisdom, and justice. It is also a way to seek Allah's (SWT) protection, forgiveness, and reward in this world and the next.

How can you download Surah Al Kahfi MP3?

If you want to listen to Surah Al Kahfi anytime and anywhere, you can download it as an MP3 file from various websites. Here are some of the websites that offer Surah Al Kahfi MP3 download:

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Various reciters, such as Mishary Rashid Alafasy, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, Saad Al-Ghamdi, etc.

MP3 or M4A

Muhammad Taha Al-Junayd


Various reciters, such as Maher Al-Muaiqly, Abdurrahman As-Sudais, Fatih Seferagic, etc.

MP4 or MP3 (with a converter)

To download Surah Al Kahfi MP3 from these websites, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the website of your choice and search for Surah Al Kahfi.

  • Select the reciter and the format that you prefer.

  • Click on the download button or icon and save the file to your device.

  • Enjoy listening to Surah Al Kahfi whenever you want.

However, not all websites are reliable and safe to download Surah Al Kahfi MP3 from. Some websites may have viruses, malware, or ads that can harm your device or compromise your privacy. Therefore, it is advisable to use a trusted and secure app or website to download Surah Al Kahfi MP3. One such app is , which is available for both Android and iOS devices. This app allows you to download Surah Al Kahfi MP3 from various reciters, as well as other features such as translations, transliterations, tafsir (explanation), bookmarks, notes, etc.


Surah Al Kahfi is a wonderful surah that contains many lessons and benefits for us. It teaches us how to deal with the trials of faith, wealth, knowledge, and power with patience, gratitude, humility, and trust in Allah (SWT). It also offers us protection from the Dajjal (Antichrist ), who will appear before the Day of Judgment and deceive many people. It also grants us forgiveness and reward from Allah (SWT) for reciting it regularly, especially on Fridays.

If you want to listen to Surah Al Kahfi anytime and anywhere, you can download it as an MP3 file from various websites. However, you should be careful to use a reliable and safe app or website to download Surah Al Kahfi MP3, such as Quran Majeed, which offers many features and options for your convenience.

We hope that this article has helped you understand the meaning and benefits of Surah Al Kahfi, and how you can download it as an MP3 file. We encourage you to download and recite Surah Al Kahfi regularly, and to share it with your family and friends. May Allah (SWT) guide us and protect us from the fitnah of this world and the next. Ameen.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Surah Al Kahfi and their answers:

  • What is the best time to recite Surah Al Kahfi?

The best time to recite Surah Al Kahfi is on Friday, before or after the Jumu'ah (Friday) prayer. This is because Friday is a blessed day in Islam, and reciting Surah Al Kahfi on Friday has special rewards and benefits. However, you can also recite Surah Al Kahfi at any other time of the day or night, as long as you are in a state of purity and concentration.

  • How long does it take to recite Surah Al Kahfi?

The length of time it takes to recite Surah Al Kahfi depends on your speed and fluency of recitation. However, on average, it takes about 30 minutes to recite Surah Al Kahfi. If you want to recite it faster, you can practice your recitation with a teacher or a recording. If you want to recite it slower, you can pause and reflect on the meanings and lessons of the verses.

  • How can I memorize Surah Al Kahfi?

Memorizing Surah Al Kahfi is a noble and rewarding goal that requires dedication and consistency. Here are some tips that can help you memorize Surah Al Kahfi:

  • Start with the first 10 verses and the last 10 verses of Surah Al Kahfi, as they have specific benefits and rewards for memorizing them.

  • Divide the surah into manageable portions, such as one page or one story per day.

  • Read the verses with understanding and reflection, using a translation, a transliteration, or a tafsir (explanation) if needed.

  • Repeat the verses aloud or silently until they are firmly imprinted in your memory.

  • Review the verses regularly, preferably every day or every week.

  • Recite the verses in your prayers or in your free time.

  • Seek Allah's (SWT) help and guidance in your memorization process.

  • What are some of the lessons we can learn from Surah Al Kahfi?

Surah Al Kahfi contains many lessons that we can learn from and apply in our lives. Here are some of the lessons we can learn from Surah Al Kahfi:

  • We should have strong faith in Allah (SWT) and His decree, even if we face difficulties or challenges in our lives. Allah (SWT) is the best protector and planner for us.

  • We should be grateful for the blessings that Allah (SWT) has given us, and not be arrogant or ungrateful. Allah (SWT) can take away our blessings at any time if we are not thankful.

  • We should be humble and seek knowledge from those who have more knowledge than us. We should also acknowledge our limitations and not be overconfident or ignorant.

  • We should use our power and resources for good causes and not for evil or oppression. We should also be just and fair to all people, regardless of their race, religion, or status.

  • What are some of the challenges we may face when reciting Surah Al Kahfi?

Reciting Surah Al Kahfi may not be easy for everyone, as there may be some challenges or obstacles that may prevent us from doing so. Here are some of the challenges we may face when reciting Surah Al Kahfi:

  • Lack of time: We may be busy with our work, studies, family, or other responsibilities that may take up most of our time. We may find it hard to spare some time to recite Surah Al Kahfi, especially on Fridays.

  • Lack of motivation: We may not feel motivated or interested in reciting Surah Al Kahfi, especially if we do not understand its meaning or benefits. We may also feel lazy or bored with reciting the same surah over and over again.

  • Lack of concentration: We may face distractions or interruptions when reciting Surah Al Kahfi, such as noise, phone calls, messages, social media, etc. We may also have wandering thoughts or doubts that may affect our focus and attention.

However, these challenges are not insurmountable, and we can overcome them with some effort and determination. Here are some tips that can help us overcome these challenges and recite Surah Al Kahfi regularly:

  • Make a schedule: We can set a specific time and place for reciting Surah Al Kahfi, preferably on Friday mornings or evenings. We can also allocate a certain amount of time for reciting Surah Al Kahfi, such as 15 minutes or 30 minutes, depending on our availability and convenience.

  • Make a goal: We can set a realistic and achievable goal for reciting Surah Al Kahfi, such as reciting it once a week, twice a month, or four times a year. We can also track our progress and reward ourselves for achieving our goal.

  • Make it enjoyable: We can make reciting Surah Al Kahfi more enjoyable and interesting by choosing a reciter that we like, listening to a translation or a tafsir (explanation) of the surah, or reciting it with our family or friends.

By following these tips, we can overcome the challenges that we may face when reciting Surah Al Kahfi, and make it a habit that we look forward to and benefit from. 44f88ac181

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